30 Days
A new day
As I finish up my first 30 days as the new Executive Director at Bellis, I wanted to reach out and let you all know how things have been going. To say it has been a whirlwind is an understatement, but we are doing it! Even though I come to this position having been with Bellis for the last two and a half years, there is all the “behind the scenes” knowledge to learn. I am in awe of how Jenny brought us to this point and am excited by the opportunities that lie ahead.
Some of you already know me as a facilitator for Bellis’ in person and online Stronger Together groups. This position has given me incredible insight and drive for the work we do. The time felt right for me to apply as Executive Director of Bellis. Personally, I am moving closer towards an empty nest. Of my three children, my two oldest will be away at college come the fall. My youngest is more than eager for me to have something to focus on besides her.
Professionally, since returning to school nine years ago to obtain my Master’s degree and licensure in Parent and Family Education I have had steady and diverse opportunities to help me gain the experience, knowledge, and passion to do this work. The stars aligned for this opportunity to come my way and for me to feel like I was ready.
The most significant alignment coming after facilitating an online group and having one of the women ask me, “What do we do now, Kelly?” At the time, I didn’t have an answer and that crushed me. I wanted to put myself in a position that allowed me to create, plan, and execute the necessary steps to further serve the women that come to our groups. They are the driving force for what we do. Their stories energize me and create a desire to do more, as they have expressed to me their need to take their healing to the next level.
Last week we presented at the annual Minnesota Social Service Association Conference, where social service workers from throughout the state could stop by and learn more about what Bellis has to offer. I also spoke at a breakout session with our partners at Mitchell Hamline School of Law’s Institute to Transform Child Protection on the topic of “Offering Legal Guidance as a Healing Tool after Termination of Parental Rights”. Some great connections were made as we look to partner with other organizations to offer our programming to the women they serve.
We are looking to adjust our online programming to include a cohort model as used in our work at Shakopee Women’s Prison. While our outreach remains on a steady growth, the pipeline from contact to attendance is long. This is primarily due to the level of bravery and vulnerability needed from these women to attend when they have, until this point, been met with much shame and judgement. It is our hope that in introducing a cohort model, the women will feel a greater sense of belonging and safety in being with the same group of women over a period of time. Enough so that when the cohort is through, they will feel more confident in attending a drop in group on a regular basis.
With our strategy for curriculum development, partnering, and continued program creation we will be looking to hire a part-time Director of Operations to assist in keeping Bellis running smoothly. This person will be responsible for helping to maintain and strengthen our donor foundation, keep up on our communications and social media presence, and facilitate day to day operations as needed. A thought partner who can anticipate needs and can execute with minimal direction. If you have someone in mind, please have them check out the Job Opportunities page on our website!
People continue to ask me how I am adjusting to this new role and while it feels like I am on an emotional roller coaster with daily wins and setbacks, overall I feel content and competent. More than anything, I feel like I am exactly where I am meant to be doing all the things I am meant to do. We have often said that all the right people and opportunities come to Bellis right when they are needed. When you operate from an altruistic purpose, it is amazing what comes your way. I do feel like we are being guided. The work we do is so incredible and so necessary. It couldn’t be done without a helping hand.
Kelly Tronstad is the new executive director of Bellis. She enthusiastically embraces all that has been done and all there is yet to do at Bellis.